Monday, September 19, 2011

first day of third grade!!

first day of kindergarten, it was ej's first day of his new job, so they got pictures together...look how tall she has gotten!!!!

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  1. little peanut...we love you!!!!!!!
    i remember third grade! Mrs. Halloran, sitting next to Cindy Pazzuris who always had commissary candy (sweet tarts), learning cursive writing, and about the Mayans, ice skating during recess (it was the new building in Moscow)...

  2. I remember 3rd grade too: Miss Ellenbecker, who threatened something TERRIBLE if anybody dared make fun of my stupid looking bifocals.

    Lucy looks so grown-up!

  3. its wierd 'cause i can't remember third grade at all- just about every other year, but not that one. total blank.
