Sunday, August 14, 2011

i'm sorry, but this picture gets its own post.

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the faire

today gets its own post. we went to the renaissance faire! so much fun. the girls were awesome and we had a really great time....
we got to meet a unicorn...

we got to meet the queen and watch the courtly dancing...

dan, this one is for you...i think its an ent!!


here is our family! love it. my sister and fam come once or twice a year, thank god.

of course, it can be exhausting...

my gorgeous sister. with a beautiful haircut. and yes, i know your mouth is full of food, but i love this picture!!!the big girls. oh my do they love each other!!!!
the little one. oh my lord, does she have my heart. look at that face. c'mon!!!
and she loves me, too. hurrah!!!!

we even got debbie on the motorcycle...thank you guys for an awesome visit!!!!!


couple posts just to catch up!! mom and lu and i went to mackinac island last week for three nights! beautiful spot, but it was hot!!!!!!! nice to be by 'big water' though.

the can see our rental bikes at the bottom- we rode around the whole island...8 miles? more? and lu did it on her and i did the tandem!

my beautiful mama. thank you so much for this great trip. thanks for wanting to spend that much time in a row with my daughter and i! i hope that we'll get to do it again and again...